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trenchless sewer pipe liningResidential

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commercial trenchlessProperty Management

epoxy pipe liningRetail

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cured in place pipeliningHospitals

The Trenchless Guys, Inc., Inc. - Detroit's Trenchless Contractors

Grand Rapids, MI

Phone:(877) 474-0056


Grand Rapids Liners For Sewer Lines

Sewer laterals in Grand Rapids can now be relined with an epoxy sewer liner using a new method called cured in place pipelining. The process involves insterting a resin epoxy saturated liner the full length of the old pipe and then running a bladder inside that is inflated forcing the new liner against the inside of the old lateral until it cures to a smooth rigid new pipe that is seamless.

Easy and Affordable Pipe Repairs

Whether it is a small diameter residential 4 inch pipe or a large municipal 56 inch pipe, they can be completely restored quickly and affordably with new liners. Call us today for more info!

New Technology That Saves You Money

The Trenchless Guys, Inc., Inc., Grand Rapids Michigan, (877) 474-0056

Proudly Serving All of Kent County

CIPP in Grand Rapids | Blocked Sewer Pipe In Grand Rapids | CIPP Lining Grand Rapids | Collapsed Pipes in Grand Rapids | Grand Rapids Sewer

Tip of the day - Open drain on water heater twice a year to remove sediment.

Sewer Roots Grand Rapids | CIPP | Connection Seal in Grand Rapids | Underground Sewer Grand Rapids | Trenchless

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