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The Trenchless Guys, Inc., Inc. - Detroit's Trenchless Contractors

Grand Rapids, MI

Phone:(877) 474-0056


Grand Rapids Pipe Bursting

Grand Rapids Pipe Bursting is a new trenchless technology that can replace the entire length of your Grand Rapids sewer or drain pipe without the need for excavation. The process involves using a bursting head to break up or "burst" your old Grand Rapids sewer pipe out of the way while towing in a brand new pipe to replace it.

Easy and Affordable Pipe Repairs

Pipe Bursting in Grand Rapids works on all material sewer and drain pipes including cast iron, clay, concrete, orangburgh, PVC and many others. Call the sewer experts at The Trenchless Guys, Inc., Inc. today for more information and free estimate on Pipe Busrting in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

New Technology That Saves You Money

The Trenchless Guys, Inc., Inc., Grand Rapids Michigan, (877) 474-0056

Proudly Serving All of Kent County

Pipelining | Grand Rapids Pipe Lining Demos | Drain Damage Grand Rapids | Cured In Place Pipe Grand Rapids | Cured In Place Pipe

Tip of the day - Open drain on water heater twice a year to remove sediment.

Pipe Lining | Drain Repair Grand Rapids | Grand Rapids Sewer Repair | Sewer Lining in Grand Rapids | Broken Sewer Pipe Grand Rapids

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